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Unless noted, please bring donations to the Parish Offices, or call 612-729-7321 to arrange pick-up.

What Places Need Donations?


General Store Bonanza: We can use bottles of merchandise, canned goods, and dry goods in the General Store Bonanza (Expiration dates must be after October 31, 2019).


Country Store: Bring baked goods, jellies, home-canned items and vegetables to the Country Store on the days of the festival.


Harvest Gift Shoppe: Please bring items that you've knitted, crocheted, or embroidered to the Harvest Gift Shoppe on the days of the Festival.


Live Auction: Are you a painter, carpenter, plumber, electrician, musician, window washer, accountant, cook, housecleaner, or some other skilled person? Donate a certificate for several hours of service to be auctioned live.  Call 612-729-7321 for help in making a certificate.


Book Store: Donate your good, used books (fiction and non-fiction) for the Book Store. (No romance novels, please.)


Wine Walk: Buy several bottles of wine for the festival. They may be used for the baskets, the Wine Walk, and the Wine Toss.


Attic Treasures: the festival can use good used furniture or household items in a variety of ways: in the auction, the "Attic Treasures" and gift baskets or as gifts or prizes. (Please, no couches, stereos, stoves, exercise equipment, electronic musical organs, or clothes.)


Toy Shoppe: Donate good, used toys to by bringing them to the Parish Offices. If you need them picked up, please call 612-729-7321.


Pop Toss: Please donate two liter bottles of pop.

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